About Us
The Anacortes Family Center provides a continuum of housing services for extremely low income individuals and families. We provide interim housing for homeless women and families with children, home-sharing through our Fidalgo Island Share-a-Home (FISH) program and administer a motel voucher program through our role as lead agency of the Anacortes Human Services Coalition.
At the Anacortes Family Center, we provide more than just shelter, we provide a way to end homelessness through a path to self-sufficiency. Our mission is to:
- Provide shelter for single women and families with children who seek emergency shelter due to crisis conditions in their lives.
- Bring together the efforts of churches, government, civic organizations and individuals in providing emergency shelter for women and homeless families in Anacortes.
- Create an alliance with the area's network of social service agencies so we can assist and support our clients in finding a path to self-sufficiency and a permanent end to their homelessness.